Belgrade was the host city of the largest regional HR conference last week. The five-day program organized by HR World had more than 150 speakers and 4,000 participants from around the world. This virtual event included inspiring input on topics such as strategic HR, people-centric HR, digital HR, HR development and C-suite day, when top management and HR experts provided their people management experience and stories.

During this time of constant change, the event was an excellent opportunity to share experiences and discuss possible solutions as all businesses face similar obstacles. Companies need to respond to market demands, pandemic related issues, and more than ever we do business using mainly online platforms. One of the main takeaways from this conference was how important it is for any organization to adapt swiftly and efficiently to change. The constant focus on the development and wellbeing of employees is the key part of the overall success and stability of the business. Irrespective of whether the business is goods or services, overall performance depends on its people. Renowned author and expert in management studies, Professor Henry Mintzberg explained how management positions did not automatically imply leadership skills. He stated that we become leaders only when there is a group of people ready to follow us and work together towards mutual goals.

The role of the leaders is constantly increasing as explained by Dejan Cvetkovic, CTO of the Microsoft Development Center in Serbia, who spoke about the importance of the initial motivational speech by the team leader, where employees are presented with the project or company vision and mission, and they contribute with their ideas. In this way, employees find their place and greater meaning in their work.

NST Head of HR Ljiljana Madzarevic attended the event as a member of HR World.