About Ljiljana Madzarevic

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So far Ljiljana Madzarevic has created 79 blog entries.
16 Oct

Stankovic & Partners co – organized the second SEEA Conference in Vienna


Stankovic & Partners, at the end of last month, in collaboration with several legal experts from the Southeast European region, co-organized the second SEEA Conference that was held in Vienna.

The conference, titled “Current Trends in International Arbitration in Southeast Europe: Navigating Geopolitical Shifts, Regulatory Dominance, and the Emergence of AI” brought together over 90 participants from more than 15 countries, as well as 20 distinguished speakers across four panels. The conference also created a platform for networking and knowledge exchange among legal experts, highlighting the growing influence of arbitration as a form of ADR in the SEE region.

Senior Partner Nenad Stankovic participated in one of the panels alongside other experts, delivering thought–provoking and insightful discussions on some of the most pressing topics in the field of arbitration, including the application of ESG standards, the emergence and increasing use of artificial intelligence, and cybersecurity.

Significant changes in arbitration are underway!

The conference concluded that significant changes in arbitration are expected over the next two years. The emergence of artificial intelligence and the increasing emphasis on ESG criteria present both challenges and opportunities for the arbitration community. Legal professionals must adapt quickly to these changes to remain effective in managing disputes and protecting their clients’ interests.

Key Panel Discussions:

1st panel – Role of International law and Treaties in the Evolving Investment Arbitration

Senior partner Nenad Stankovic participated in an engaging discussion on how ESG standards are influencing investment arbitration. The panel examined the heightened scrutiny of investor behavior, the challenges of enforcing ESG compliance, and the growing importance of transparency and fairness in arbitral processes. ESG compliance is now seen as a crucial consideration for both investors and governments, with the panel forecasting a rise in counterclaims related to ESG violations.

”The “S” element of “ESG” in arbitration must […]

Stankovic & Partners co – organized the second SEEA Conference in Vienna2024-10-16T14:39:20+02:00
28 Mar

Stankovic & Partners has once again been ranked in all categories in the Legal 500 EMEA 2024 edition!


Legal 500 has been analysing the capabilities of law firms across the world with a comprehensive research programme designed to provide the most up to-date vision of the global legal market.

In addition to being ranked as a firm across the board, we are also proud to say that a number of members of our team have been ranked as recommended individuals by Legal 500. Senior Partner Nenad Stankovic, for example, has been acclaimed as a leading individual in the field of dispute resolution, while the work of Counsel Sara Pendjer in dispute resolution matters has also been highlighted in the next generation partners table. In addition Associate Tijana Milisic has once again been recognised as a rising star in the field of Commercial, Corporate and M&A.

The firm’s hard work and commitment to high-level client service is reflected by our overall rankings in Tier 2 for dispute resolution, and Tier 3 for banking and finance; commercial, corporate and M&A; competition; employment; intellectual property; projects & energy; and real Estate & construction.

Most importantly, however, are the many positive comments that were received from our clients during the research process, including that the team was ‘Ready to address every single project with a fresh perspective. They are always reachable and responsive, and show clients on a daily basis how important the client and the matter is to them.’ Also ‘The collaboration and connection they create with the client distinguishes them. Easy communication, great value for money, and very well-educated staff with high-level knowledge of local practices.’ It is good to know how much our clients appreciate the firm’s work.

Stankovic & Partners has once again been ranked in all categories in the Legal 500 EMEA 2024 edition!2024-03-28T14:40:46+01:00
25 Mar

Law firm Stankovic & Partners contributed to the new International Bar Association’s (IBA) publication on cross-border enforcement of judgments against states, writing the guide for Serbia


The IBA’s “Cross-border enforcement of judgments against states – jurisdiction-by-jurisdiction guide”, which was published on 12 March 2024, covers 47 jurisdictions globally and is intended to outline the key requirements for enforcing a foreign judgment against a state entity. It contains essential insights into the complex realm of cross-border enforcement of judgments against states, including issues relating to the enforcement of a foreign judgement against a state in a another jurisdiction, state immunity, due process standards, service requirements and enforcement against state-owned property assets and the property of state-owned entities.

The firm’s involvement in this prestigious project underscores our commitment to providing clients with leading expertise in cross-border matters. As co-authors, we also believe that we have contributed to a resource that will serve as a valuable reference point for legal professionals worldwide who are grappling with the enforcement of judgments against states in diverse jurisdictions.

The link to access the publication on a jurisdiction-by-jurisdiction basis is available on the IBA’s website at https://www.ibanet.org/Cross-border-enforcement-of-judgments-against-states.

Law firm Stankovic & Partners contributed to the new International Bar Association’s (IBA) publication on cross-border enforcement of judgments against states, writing the guide for Serbia2024-03-25T10:14:54+01:00
18 Mar

Chambers ranking announcement


We are delighted to announce that once again Stankovic & Partners has been ranked highly in the Chambers Europe Guide! Published by Chambers and Partners on 14 March 2024, these prestigious rankings acknowledge the leading law firms and outstanding legal practitioners across multiple practice areas worldwide.

The NSTLAW team has again been recognised as a leading firm in Dispute Resolution, with Senior Partner Nenad Stankovic receiving a band 2 ranking, and Counsel Sara Penđer being ranked in band 3 in this field. We are also pleased to say that Nenad Stanković has been ranked in Corporate/Commercial: Real Estate, receiving a band 2 ranking, and in Employment, receiving a band 3 ranking.

Rankings are determined by client feedback received by Chambers and Partners, together with broader market feedback on teams. We are beyond pleased that our hard work has been recognised by our clients who expressed satisfaction with the exceptional service and responsiveness provided by the Stankovic & Partners team. One of our clients praised our team saying, “Very few law firms can offer that level of commercial awareness and grasp of practical issues that we find in Stankovic& Partners’ team. This is one of the main reasons that it remains our adviser of choice in the region.”

Prioritising excellence in client service is fundamental to our work at Stankovic & Partners, making it immensely gratifying to receive such accolades from both our clients and peers.

Chambers ranking announcement2024-03-18T10:11:58+01:00
12 Feb

Serbian Competition Authority shows leniency by reducing fine in single and continuous bid rigging infringement case for the first time


As part of its clampdown on public procurement bid rigging, the Serbian Commission for the Protection of Competition (CPC) recently handed down a decision in a bid rigging infringement case, for the first time ever reducing the fine after establishing that the conditions in an application for leniency submitted during the course of the proceedings had been met.

An analysis of the facts of the case led the CPC to conclude that the infringement had been intentional, which it weighed against the fact that the company had given its full cooperation in the investigation.

The application for leniency was filed on the same day as the dawn raid was carried out, and provided the Commission with information that had not been available prior to the initiation of proceedings. This pertained to the company’s specific business model and the role of a particular individual within the company in colluding with the other party involved.

As a consequence of this, the fines of the two parties to the restrictive agreements differed by more than 50%,

It is worth pointing out that the CPC established that three different restrictive agreements had been concluded in connection with three separate public procurement exercises, but that these, in fact, represented a single and continuous infringement, once again applying this well-established doctrine under EU competition law.

This case underlines the importance for companies of conducting effective internal audits relating to their day-to-day business operations, especially with regards to dealings with suppliers and customers. Audits should be followed up with regular compliance training programmes in order to raise awareness of the importance of competition rules for all businesses, whatever their sector.




Serbian Competition Authority shows leniency by reducing fine in single and continuous bid rigging infringement case for the first time2024-02-12T14:27:54+01:00
9 Feb

LNA membership


NSTLAW proudly announces the appointment of our Senior Partner, Nenad Stankovic, as a board member of the Legal Netlink Alliance. Nenad has been an active member of LNA for 10 years, and has achieved this prestigious milestone at the recent reunion hosted in Malta. Legal Netlink Alliance provides for the unique opportunities to legal professionals, facilitating the exchange of experiences, sharing of legal practices, and the cultivation of meaningful friendships on a global scale.

Reflecting on his membership, Nenad expressed his deep gratitude for the enriching experiences within the LNA community. He emphasized the importance of fostering international connections and understanding diverse legal perspectives. As a testament to this commitment, Stankovic and Partners eagerly look forward to the next chapter in this global legal journey by organizing the upcoming LNA event in Belgrade. The firm is thrilled at the prospect of hosting colleagues from around the world, confident that this event will further strengthen the bonds forged through the LNA, promoting collaboration and knowledge exchange among legal professionals on an international stage.

LNA membership2024-02-09T13:23:21+01:00
22 Jan

Rising Trends: Growth in Investment Arbitration in the Mining Industry in the last five years



Between 1996 and 31 December 2023 61 arbitration cases involving mining concessions were registered before ICSID.

Of these it is notable that 36 cases have been registered within the last five years, specifically in the period from 1 January 2019 to 31 December 2023 – more than 50% percent of all arbitration proceedings registered before ICSID, indicating a significant shift in the landscape of investment arbitration in the mining sector.

32 of the 61 cases registered before ICSID have now been concluded with the following outcomes:

  • 12 were discontinued under ICSID rules;
  • 5 had judgments rendered in favor of the investor, with damages awarded amounting to USD tens of millions;
  • 8 were decided in favour of the state;
  • 4 were resolved through settlement;
  • 3 have undetermined outcomes.

Among the documents invoked, investors predominantly relied on Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs), followed by contracts and free trade agreements. A detailed overview of the documentation cited can be found in the chart below:

BITs were predominantly invoked by investors from the UK (including Northern Ireland), followed by those from the Netherlands, the US, Switzerland and Canada. A detailed overview of the nationalities of investors initiating these arbitration proceedings is shown in the chart below:

Looking at the countries that faced the highest number of filed claims, Colombia takes first place with 15% of all ICSID arbitration proceedings concerning mining concessions, followed by the Democratic Republic of Congo standing at 13% with Mexico and Venezuela at 7%.

These statistics make it clear that the number of arbitration proceedings initiated in the context of mining concessions have been rapidly increasing over the past five years. The fact that the mining industry is developing rapidly in response to […]

Rising Trends: Growth in Investment Arbitration in the Mining Industry in the last five years2024-01-22T16:15:50+01:00
17 Jan

It’s time for MALTA!


Excited to start the year in the company of our long-time friends in the Legal Netlink Alliance. In February we meet in Malta and take time to put so many legal brilliant minds together, as our colleagues will join from many different countries in Europe and around the world. They bring with them top-notch expertise in tens of practice areas and the unique LNA spirit. Looking forward to the agenda prepared by our hosts, the law firm GTG.

It’s time for MALTA!2024-01-17T12:40:02+01:00
15 Jan

New US Foreign Extortion Prevention Act (FEPA) could impact the Western Balkans: Demanding a bribe from a US company is now a criminal act in the US


At the end of 2023 US President Joe Biden signed into law The Foreign Extortion Prevention Act (FEPA), which brings about major changes to global anti-corruption protocols.

FEPA enables US prosecutors to bring criminal charges against any “foreign official” who seeks or accepts a bribe from a company or individual conducting business in the US, even when the unlawful activity occurs outside US borders.

The key innovation is that FEPA addresses the “demand” side and criminalises making requests for, and accepting, bribes. This law also expands the definition of a “foreign official” to cover all formal and informal employees and agents of foreign officials, including those working in an unofficial capacity. In addition FEPA encourages companies to report to the US Department of Justice any requests or demands for bribes made by foreign officials and their agents.

Although the old Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) is regularly utilised to penalise US-based individuals and companies that engage in bribery or other corrupt practices for the purposes of influencing foreign officials, until now there has been no means of taking legal action against foreign officials who receive or solicit bribes.

The penalties under FEPA go up to a maximum of $250,000 or three times the amount of the bribe received, as well as up to 15 years in prison.

It seems that FEPA is set to transform and further expose the global culture of corrupt practices, especially in those nations with US investments. The question of whether Europe will also embrace these practices and their likely impact on the Western Balkans remains open.

New US Foreign Extortion Prevention Act (FEPA) could impact the Western Balkans: Demanding a bribe from a US company is now a criminal act in the US2024-01-15T16:42:42+01:00
26 Oct

Important Update on New Electrical Energy Supply Regulation in Serbia


On 13 October 2023 a new regulation governing solar and wind power plants’ connection to Serbia’s transmission and distribution system came into effect. This update brings significant changes to the process of connecting new power generation facilities.

For initial connections, in addition to the construction permit, a connection feasibility study and agreement must now be drawn up. Submission deadlines for connection studies have also been defined, with the Serbian Transmission System Operator (EMS) conducting studies biannually. It is important to highlight that the first connection study period begins on 20 December 2023, with a submission deadline of 1 December 2023. In addition, connection studies can become invalid if certain conditions have not been met, including a failure to provide an investor bank guarantee within 60 days in order to ensure the timely conclusion of contracts, approvals and construction.

On another note, deposit requirements based on capacity have also been introduced, with varying set fees for different capacity levels.

Once approval for connection to the transmission system is granted, this can now be issued for a three-year period and can also be extended once for up to two additional years if requested by the investor.

In summary, these regulatory changes are expected to streamline the process of connecting power generation facilities to the grid and are designed to bolster the security and reliability of Serbia’s electrical energy supply.


Important Update on New Electrical Energy Supply Regulation in Serbia2023-10-26T12:59:23+02:00
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